Monday, September 6, 2010

Maggie's 2nd Birthday!!

Maggie turned 2 in February, time flies when you are having fun I guess!

ELMO!!! Maggie loves Elmo, so I made her an Elmo cake. Even after the cake was long-gone, we would ask her what she wanted to eat and she would answer "Elmo cake!"

February 2010....

SNOW!!! Part 2! This time it snowed 6 inches at our house. We had so much fun making snowmen and playing. Maggie had a blast, she was very disappointed when it melted the next day!

Friday, January 1, 2010

January 2010

Welcome 2010!

Maggie and Daddy

We learned that we can no longer let Maggie hold on to the powder after bathtime, this picture was taken after the powder cloud had diminished and we were able to breathe again!

Reading the paper while sipping on her morning milk and enjoying a nice warm bowl of oatmeal...


I thought that last year's snow outfit would still fit, but I was wrong! Oh well, she still looked cute and had fun in the dusting on the porch.